I like 'em short

I love half days at work! :) Of course, today was a motion day and they're usually just a half a day, but still. The three-week term starts Monday, so I'm afraid the updates will be few and far between.

Today, the judge sentenced a guy who had pled guilty to manslaughter. It seems that while he was on a five-year supervised probation, he went to a "juke-joint" with his MOTHER for New Year's Eve. Everybody was drinking and Mama ended up in a fight with what sounds like the nicest, kindest man in that town. Son comes to Mama's defense and they end up KILLING the man! It was all over nothing!! Best I could understand, Mama thought the man pushed her. Mama went to trial and the jury convicted her of murder. I don't know how much time she got. Son got 13 years for the manslaughter and got revoked for the ten years from the previous crime. People.

I've been meaning to tell dear friend Melanie :) ...I'm feeding the bread again. :) Remember several years back how, if I went anywhere, I had to pack flour, sugar, and make sure there was milk where I was going?? I'm doing it again! I've had a hankerin' for Friendship Bread and I started the process yesterday. Friday and next Wednesday are "feeding" days, with Wednesday also being baking day! I'll be freezing some of the starter this time instead of tossing it out since my DEAREST FRIEND laughed and wanted no part of it!! :) That's okay, I'll still share. :)

Remember how yesterday I told y'all I'm blonde now? It's official...EVERYBODY commented at the courthouse today! One of the assistant DAs said he was glad to see I got all that unnatural brown out of my hair. :) Good thing he went into law and not comedy!

Have a good one, Girls!

3 comments so far

grizmom - 2005-08-09 17:17:50
People are pretty amazing at times, especially when they've done something incredibly stupid. I bet your job is just down right entertaining most of the time. Friendship bread huh? Haven't made that in years but sounds like a good way to get in touch with some of my old friends. And, if Prettiest Cousin wants to laugh, we'll all send her some! :)
junkmel1 - 2005-08-09 17:43:48
Oh. My. God. I will not be responsible for anything but eating it. Do not give me any, I will throw it away faster than I delete chain e-mails. Molson isn't enough of a pet for you??? You need what will turn into 30 pans of friendship bread to feed and walk, too??? BTW, my hot water heater is fixed, but not my e-mail is broken. Seriously, can't get into my e-mail because I'm not "authorized." The hell you say!
junkmel1 - 2005-08-09 17:52:18
Okay, e-mail is back. It just took a good cussing and one slam on the keyboard. Thank Goodness, because Hubby will freak when I tell him one more thing is broken. :) BTW, WHICH DA said you had unnatural brown????

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