
grizmom - 2005-08-09 17:17:50
People are pretty amazing at times, especially when they've done something incredibly stupid. I bet your job is just down right entertaining most of the time. Friendship bread huh? Haven't made that in years but sounds like a good way to get in touch with some of my old friends. And, if Prettiest Cousin wants to laugh, we'll all send her some! :)
junkmel1 - 2005-08-09 17:43:48
Oh. My. God. I will not be responsible for anything but eating it. Do not give me any, I will throw it away faster than I delete chain e-mails. Molson isn't enough of a pet for you??? You need what will turn into 30 pans of friendship bread to feed and walk, too??? BTW, my hot water heater is fixed, but not my e-mail is broken. Seriously, can't get into my e-mail because I'm not "authorized." The hell you say!
junkmel1 - 2005-08-09 17:52:18
Okay, e-mail is back. It just took a good cussing and one slam on the keyboard. Thank Goodness, because Hubby will freak when I tell him one more thing is broken. :) BTW, WHICH DA said you had unnatural brown????

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