
Yesterday when I turned the water on in our shower, the water spout went flying to the back of the tub and the water was shooting straight out and hitting the back wall and going everywhere! I suppose after 30 years, a spout may rot off and fly across the tub. We now have a pretty green and gunky pipe sticking out of the wall. I moved into the extra bathroom for my showers.

When we bought this house five years ago this month, we found a box of new shower/tub fixtures under the sink in the master bathroom. Guess they knew something was up but didn't get a round to it maybe??

Last night at 12:37 a.m. Molson let me know that he had an upset stomach...on the living room carpet. I woke up to him panting really heavy around our room and then he went into the kitchen. I thought he was going for water. Guess he was looking for a way out. He hasn't had an accident like that in a very long time. Today will be a no bone/no treat day. He's turning his nose up at his food, also. Spoiled dog.

Speaking of dog food and spoiled dog, the other day when I bought this new bag of dog food, I had to stop at the greeter stand on my way out since it was not in a bag. The greeter was rather stunned that someone would pay $40 for DOG FOOD! For a dog?? I just laughed and said, yeah, isn't he spoiled? She came back with I say he's spoiled...mmmmmm. I wish I had added, yeah, and he's laid up on my king size bed in the air-conditioning, too!

I wasted a good afternoon yesterday riding around town with my sister and her daughter looking at apartments for said daughter, my niece. You would think that she would be moving to college this August, right? Nope, she won't be here until August of '09. Just a tad anxious, huh? We humored her anyway.

It was nice visiting with them, but really, I could have wasted all that time sitting in this chair reading journals and pretending to work!!

I had a message from a law firm that desperately needed a transcript last it to us, just fax it, we need it, need it, need it!! I faxed it to them Friday and mailed the original to them. Monday's message was that they only got a partial record; they want the whole thing. Well, I'll be damned!

I called and left her a voice mail this morning that that's ALL that the attorney requested!! If you want the rest, send more money and don't you dare expect it anytime soon!! I was nicer than that, but not on the inside!!

My transcript list seems to continue to grow. The money is always nice, but it's still work and hallelujah that gives me something to complain about!! :)

Have a good one, Girls!

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