Two more days

The jury's not coming in today which means no trial. Yeah!! I've got two more days of keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get into a trial. Call me spoiled, but I've got my one trial/appeal for this term...don't want another. The trial we started yesterday ended up pleading when juror number five, an elderly man, just stood up during the state's voir dire and started walking torwards her. It was kind of creepy. He was trying to tell someone he needed a restroom break, but he just couldn't seem to get the words out and had a spaced out look on his face. Weird. During that break, the defendant pled guilty. Yeah. Two more days, just two more days.

I told junkmel when court adjourns on Friday, I'll be beating a path home to put my big ass in my beading chair. I haven't thought of anything new or exciting to string...I just want and need to be in that chair until the seminar! I really, really hope everyone likes the pendants that we've been buying. I think between the two of us, we've spent a month's paycheck on this stuff. The sad thing about it, we'll be thrilled to make $100. Can you tell we're not in it for the money-making part??

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

m-lewis - 2007-04-11 18:32:27
Yep! I know exactly -- about the beading-for-fun-not-for-money part. ANYTHING is more relaxing than taking court. ANYTHING is more relaxing that typing an appeal. Well... almost anything. Right now I'm wearing a dark blue necklace/pendant/choker my oldest daughter made for me.

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