Home alone

It's just me and Molson this week. BZ is out of state on a business trip until Friday. When he first took this job, I was not very pleasant when he had to take trips. We had been married a year, so I was still "in love." When I complained about all of his trips, everyone told me "you haven't been married long enough." That truly pissed me off. Four years later, I'm still not fond of the trips, but luckily they have tapered off somewhat. I can't say that I'm happy to have the house to myself, but I wasn't such a shrew when he left today. :)

It's an insecurity of mine that I figured out a long time ago, but have not figured out how to deal with it. I don't mind doing the leaving part. I just hate when someone does the leaving on me. Y'all analyze that one for me, would ya??


I think what helped with BZ's trip was that I left the house first to go to Mom's. See??? It was a good visit and the menu was chicken rotel and chocolate pudding cake. YUM!! It tasted even better since BZ wasn't there to watch how much I ate! He never says anything, but I'm always conscious that he COULD if he wanted.

I stopped by to see my dad. He's recovering from his second knee surgery. I did a little research online and found an article about older patients and surgeries and how they become disoriented afterwards. My dad was pretty much out of it for three weeks. He thought it was just a couple of days. He's doing much better, but he's convinced that we were just going to leave him in the hospital and never let him come home. That visit was also very nice.


When I left my dad's, I drove through my hometown to a cheaper gas station...drive two miles to save a nickel, yes, I did. The hometown is slowly going down. There are a lot of antebellum homes on main street that people just don't have the money or inclination to keep up. Stores are closing. There's just no new blood in town, if ya know what I mean. My family and I talked about the local politics and how people are only out for the power and prestige and could care less about improving things. I hate to admit it, but my generation is all about taking as much as they can and giving as little as possible. My hometown and the school is THE perfect example.


I have three days of court left. Here's my bitch....originally it was a three-week term. My judge and I were stuck in a civil trial the first week, and the other judge was out sick. That translates to no criminal cases getting resolved.

The second week of the term, we were available for criminal trials while the other judge was stuck in a civil case. On one of the days that second week, we did 26 guilty pleas. That was a record for us. We never had a criminal trial the second week.

The third week, my judge was out on Thursday. We could have done a criminal trial the beginning of the week, but nope. Nothing. The other judge did have one criminal trial. As of Friday, I had about 57 guilty pleas. That's pretty darn good.

Here's the bitch...we are now starting the extended week of the term tomorrow and whatcha wanna bet every fucking defendant will want a trial??? But that's okay. I'll be smiling knowing that I'll only have to be there for three days. My judge has meetings Thursday and Friday. Bring on the guilty bastards!! :) ...well, until they're PROVEN guilty, right?


So my plans for this week while BZ is away? I hope to knock out some guilty pleas for a little extra cash. I even plan on stringing a few beads, too. I know as soon as I get in the mood for beading and get in there, I'll have NOTHING to work with!! I told junkmel I'm going to try and not order any beads for this seminar. I'll come closer to sticking to a diet than I will that lame statement!

Have a good one, Girls!

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