
I've done nothing this last week of freedom. I haven't even started an appeal that's due Feb. 9. I haven't cleaned this filthy house. I haven't folded the clothes on the drying rack that have been in the hallway for over two weeks now. I haven't beaded a damn thing even though our seminar is coming up in April. I know that sounds like I've got plenty of time, but with court terms mixed in it's not.

What have I been doing? Wasting time on this computer. I've been trying to beat my mother's score on a gaming site. How pitifully sad is that?!?!!! We've had a lot of fun doing it and sending nasty messages back and forth. But as I told her, if she doesn't let me catch up, I'm going to lose my job for not putting out transcripts!! I'm such a spoiled baby. :)

But on the flip side, I am READY for court. I think my closet is sufficiently stocked to cover my wide ass for two weeks. I got a new pair of black Cl@rks yesterday that I'm sure I will scuff the toe of one if not both walking out the door. I'm in search of some blue shoes and some comfortable brown ones. One pair of browns that I have that are decent for court walk better when I wear them without any socks. I'm fine with that, but it's not so pretty when I sit down and you see all my whiteness. Poor me, huh?

Time for my weekly donation of $100 or more at the W@l-m@rt.

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

Melanie - 2007-01-19 11:29:45
You're right, it's sad, pathetic behavior you have exhibited. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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