Force field activated...for now

I am forcing myself to work on this appeal. So far, the force is winning, but I don't know how much longer it will keep me in this chair.

I have 95 things running through my head that I want/need/should do instead of this appeal. Nevermind that I just got another one yesterday. Who cares?? It's the holidays, right? I want to bake and make candy and bead and buy beads and eat and eat some more and play on the computer...who wants to work?!?!!!!

But I'm forcing myself...dammit.

Junkmel, one major thing keeping me in this chair is the shopping trip next week. If you have to cancel, don't tell me until the morning of. Otherwise, my ass is OUT of this chair!!!

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

Melanie - 2006-12-14 12:23:48
Force field has been activated here, too. It has been much easier to do since YS went back to school. And this appeal is moving fast, so I'm encouraged to think I'm a real court reporter, don't you know?

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