Let the home improvement projects begin!!

Remember when I wrote that I wanted crown molding in the entryway? ..actually all through the house but we'll start at the front door. I trekked over to neighboring town and bought BZ THE saw and a stand for it. (Even got to visit with junkmel. She NEVER left me alone with her beads, so I was unable to snag anything!!) Saturday morning, BZ is going through the manual and his only comment is "look at all the safety warnings on every page!!" That made me nervous for two reasons... one, that there were so many, and two, BZ was surprised that a miter saw would have so many safety warnings!! If you haven't guessed by now, BZ has never used one of these type saws. He gave me the impression that he had at least messed around with one. Not so.

Anyway, we didn't do crown molding this weekend. Got to wait for another paycheck. But BZ decided he would add another pull-out shelf to our pantry. The first one is WONDERFUL!! After that 4+ hour project, he announced that in order to do the rest of the shelves, he would need a table saw. What the..
Does he not know I'm doing my damnedest to spend all our extra money on beads??? And now he's wanting his share of the loot for his toys??? Man, oh man, greed is a horrible thing. :)

I now have two pull-out shelves and they are fantastic. The price of a table saw is well worth the remaining pull-outs.

During BZ's 4+ hour project, I was in the bead room minding my own business. :) Molson was hanging out with me. Whenever BZ would have one of his little frustration fits...hitting the cabinet, cussing, fussing LOUDLY, Molson would try to hide under my legs/feet. I was getting tickled that Molson was reacting that way. Thunder is the only other thing that makes him cower like that.

The weather is turning nicer around here. We're still having some hot days, but the cooler temps are slowly making their way down here. I even noticed the leaves changing colors on the drive to Mom's yesterday. Isn't it odd how changing seasons will almost give you that little bit of excitement like something new is about to happen? Maybe it's just me. :)

Have a good one, Girls!!

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