I do believe he's growing up

BZ has a company dinner to attend tonight. After hearing tales from previous ones and attending one myself, I KNOW how much liquor flows at these things. It scares me to death knowing that BZ will get behind the wheel after "a couple" of drinks. I have told him over and over the horror stories I hear in the courtroom, and how it only takes one time to screw up your life and possibly somebody else's forever!

Lord knows, I've driven many a time when I KNEW I shouldn't have. My guardian angel probably lost a few feathers trying to keep up with me at times. But I know now how stupid it is, and I'll do everything in my power not to drive drunk.

My power of persuasion...or constant bitching, whichever...has finally convinced BZ that he'll take my offer up of me being the designated driver tonight.

I feel like a proud parent. :)

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

Agamemnon - 2006-09-19 15:51:57
Look at this cool graphic I found. The test should be fun. "Visit

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