It must be thundering...I have a dog on my head

This morning around 4 a.m., it thundered, which means that Molson tried to sit on one of our heads! He settled on laying between us AT our heads. Our lab does not like thunder. Period. So since Molson was between me and BZ, BZ felt compelled to have skin contact and kept touching me with his feet. DAMMIT!! LET ME SLEEP!! Every time I moved closer to the edge, BZ slid his leg further over. He never got the hint until I said "what's up with the feet all over me??" I'm so romantic.

BZ and I watched one of the many specials about 9/11 last night. This one was about Flight 93, not the movie though. This had the family members talking about their loved ones while actors reenacted the flight. We both cried. I hope they truly had the courage portrayed in that documentary.

Not much else is happening around here. BZ and I are trying to figure out dates for the boys Christmas visit. I was saved from having to squeeze this fat ass in an airplane seat. BZ had been talking about spending the holiday in Can@da. But when he asked the boys which location they would prefer, they said it was more fun down here. Love those little rugrats!!

Have a good one, Girls!

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