I just want to find a cave and hibernate

I got home last night at 9:30. The jury can't seem to agree to convict this drug dealing 'ho so they'll be back this morning to continue their deliberations while we're out in the courtroom getting ANOTHER jury for another trial. We've been in term for a week and a half. Last week, we did nothing. We sat there and occasionally did some guilty pleas, but no trials. This week, everyfuckin'body wants a trial. Fuckers.

I'm told that today's trial will last a day. Oh, goody...another DA has a trial for tomorrow that's going. Fuckers.

I call home to let BZ know I'm on my way in and he tells me that ex-wife has sent an email informing him that Canada has changed the child support guidelines and his support will increase about $150 a month. Lovely. I hit the roof when he told me that. I told him she can't just write you and say they've increased the guidelines, you've got to pay more. She has to get a court order!! After some research, she can do exactly that, kinda.

Either the parents can agree on an amount or one parent can go to the court and they will set the support using the new tables. Fuckers. Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL for supporting the boys and I feel like BZ does a damn fine job at financially supporting them. From my viewpoint, I see an ex-wife who's remarried and both of them are working. They just bought a NEW house, took a trip to Italy, took the boys to Disneyworld, go to numerous concerts with and without the boys..and now she wants more out of BZ.

I know kids are expensive. I am very aware of that. Junkmel reminds me when I get on one of these tirades, not to mention when they're here, our bank account practically evaporates! But I'm also thinking ex-wife has a three-income household up there (BZ's support is a nice sum!!). I realize this all sounds like sour grapes and to a point I would agree. I just have to get it off my chest and then I'll suck it up and shift moneys around.

BZ says he's going to talk to ex-wife and see if they can do the increase gradually instead of all at once. I have a feeling she won't agree to that, but no harm in asking, right?

BZ flies out today for a business trip to Conneticut(sp?). He gets back Friday and then leaves Sunday on a fishing trip with the senior mgmt. team from work. I'll miss him, but I'm looking forward to having the house to myself...and Molson. :) I've got lots of transcripts I need to get out and a short time to do them. I just love pressure, don't you? I may even paint the entryway while he's away. My sister always puts off remodeling projects when her husband leaves. That's not such a bad idea.

Have a good one, Girls!

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