Me and my sister

When last we spoke, my sister was having kidney stone pains and I was going for an evaulation on Friday. My sister's pain ended up to be a blocked kidney that they tried to open with a stint, but it failed. She went back to the hospital Thursday, and they made an incision in her back and put a bag on her. She'll have to wear that for two weeks. She has a viral infection that they don't know what caused it and more likely than not will lose that kidney.

She's improving ever so slowly, but at least it's an improvement. The doctors say with all that infection, it's just going to take some time. I know she's really sick because she turned down chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes for dinner the other night! Yeah, she be sick. :)

My evaluation turned into surgery. I really never had time to get really scared/nervous about the situation. My doctor was really nice and explained it well. He's also one of my sister's doctors. He commented about seeing her earlier that morning. He then apologized for not being able to move his neck and pointed to a big bandage back there. I asked him if my sister had gotten ahold of him. :) He smiled and just looked at me and said "that's funny. That's really funny." Never laughed! I'm using my best stuff here even under pressure...come on and laugh!! :)

At 11:15 or so, they were wheeling me down the hallway to surgery. On my way out of my little cubicle, leaving BZ and my mom behind, I told them I prefer watching this on TV. :) The doctor inserted a stint in my ureter from my kidney to my bladder and then blasted the stone. It was too big to pass and with it being that size, he was afraid to blast it and then let it come out unassisted. He described it like turning an hour glass over real fast and the sand getting caught in the neck. That's what the stone would more than likely do, also.

Just like in the court shows on TV, there's a major difference in surgerical rooms on TV and in real life. I honestly thought he was rolling me into a closet yesterday. I was stunned. The last thing I remember was asking them does your hearing go first? I could hear them, but the background noise was gone, and then my eyes started twisting. When I woke up around 1:30, I was in recovery and dieing to use the bathroom!!! That's a mighty strange feeling knowing they did something to your body and you don't recall a thing. A blessing for sure, but also mighty strange.

I will try to go back to the doctor Monday so they can remove the stint if most of the stone is gone. They will remove it like a tampon basically. Lovely.

In the meantime, I'm drinking glass after glass after glass of water. I'm praying this is my last bout with kidney stones. I don't know if I've caught enough for them to analyze. We'll see.

This was the weekend BZ and I were supposed to go to a casino resort at his company's expense. Looks like that will be put off til August now. Who knows, by then after drinking all this water, maybe I will have lost some poundage!! A girl can dream, can't she?? :)

Have a good one, Girls!

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