Houston, we're going to have a problem...

It's countdown time around here. Monday I start back to work(I know...y'all feel so sorry for me; no need to relay sympathies..hehe) and it's going to kick my ASS!! I thought I would attempt a conditioning week by getting up early and staying up, but so far I'm one for one. The only reason I stayed up yesterday was because I had a hair appointment and accountant visit I had to make. Both of those were a huge success, by the way. Love the blondeness and the cut and LOVE the news that our magician/accountant gave us! Can you tell I was worried about paying in but now getting a refund?

Junkmel and I are set for our jewelry selling jaunt in April at the seminar. Now we just need to make lots of stuff that everybody will go nuts over. I find myself doing a lot of long chunky style necklaces. I sure hope they're still in style! I may be headin' to the bookstore to look at some mags for the latest styles. I'm so up on that stuff, can't ya tell?? I'm trying to convince my mom to go with us so she can man the table while we're in the sessions. I have GOT to get my points by the end of this year and would love to get the remaining ones at this one. I'm thinking I need around 22 points, but I should check on that to make sure. God knows, I don't want to sit in any extra sessions that I don't have to!!!!

BZ looked at the line-up of "workshops" and gagged. My sentiments exactly. Curious are you? Here's a couple..."Fighting to Protect Your Job." That always builds confidence when they tell us about the latest electronic equipment available. "Feeling Good About Who You Are"...guess that's for the ones who don't feel so confident after the above session. "Online Storage/Backup Basics"...there's a good sleeper session. Aren't y'all jealous??? I'm hoping to make friends with the nearest hole puncher and get my card "pre-punched" ifyaknowwhatImean!!

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

junkmel1 - 2006-03-07 13:22:08
Why no, what do you mean???

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