Oops, slipper

Confession? I was bad last night. I wish I had tricked myself instead of treating myself. I had Taco Bell for dinner...not the whole menu. :) It was definitely a case of head taking over instead of stomach. I don't think stomach even wanted a part in it, nor intestines, because of the binge from Sunday. But head prevailed, dammit. I did take Molson walking, not far but at least I got up and moved a little.

But that was last night. Today I'm thinking better. I even got on the treadmill this morning. I know it's not much but I did walk half a mile. Unlike BZ, I cannot run a marathon after being on my ass for many years. I have to work up to it. And I will.

Grizmom, you did great with the bag of candy on your desk. I've opened the door on that type of determination, but I just haven't walked in completely and closed the door behind me. But I will. Keep it up and keep me up!! Nothing like a little added pressure, huh? :)

BZ called last night...drunk as shit. Luckily he was in his room, but it was spinning he said. Good. :) The tour they took of a company wasn't that good he said. What I loved was the bus they all rode on was a Peter Pan tour bus. So appropriate for the boys that don't want to grow up!! He's having a good time it sounds like, especially since he's not joined at the hip with his boss!

Today is a new day, a new attitude. I'm feeling the strength building and I like that feeling!!

Have a good one, Girls!

2 comments so far

Grizmom - 2005-11-06 19:50:35
Come on now! I did heist my fat actress off the couch and went for a 30 minute walk. Journey cd in hand and away I went. I feel much better both physically and mentally! I'm settling down with a cup of kaluha and cream coffee now! YEAH for me!
junkmel1 - 2005-11-08 13:13:15
It would be nice if you would update so I would have something interesting to read while I eat lunch. Thank you.

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