My day ended with a thud

By 10:15, we had qualified the jury for the week. Junkmel and her judge came in and picked a jury for their trial. Me? I sat in the court administrator's office and talked and ate. My judge didn't want to move downstairs to do sentencings and pleas and such.

Around 3:30, we get back in the courtroom after they get their jury and finally start working. It's a good thing because my tongue had that yucky thick sugar coating you get from eating too much junk all day!!! We do several pleas and sentencings. At 5:15, we're about to start another plea when the defendant FALLS OUT in the floor! I've never had one fall out before. I've heard stories about ones that have, but have never witnessed it for myself. Junkmel pointed out later how I took it so "matter-of-factly".

She was going to plead guilty to arson...seems she set fire to her rental house. I don't know why. As she was swearing to the guilty plea petition with the clerk is when she fell out. The judge stood up and leaned over the bench and told the bailiffs to call 911. He then said, I guess we're in recess until 9:00 tomorrow morning. I started turning everything off, grabbed my keys...I did lean across my desk to look, but couldn't see much except her body and heard some mumbling. I took off for the door, met junkmel in the hallway and told her, come on, the defendant fell out and we got to go before the ambulance blocks us in!! Junkmel didn't have time to process it all before I was pulling her down the stairs to get to our vehicles.

I guess I sound pretty callous in describing yesterday's events, but she's not the first one to fall out to spare herself from going to jail immediately. Many times I think you're the one that got yourself into the predicament, how hard is it to live a crime-free life? I thank my lucky stars...and disciplined upbringing...daily!

So we're bringing the jury back in for a possible trial today. I hope it's entertaining whatever it is.

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

grizmom - 2005-08-23 08:22:59
Your two just have WAY too much fun! Tell me where to send the cheesecake! It's the very least I can do :)

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