It's an update...barely

I think I have fleas. :) ...via Molson, thankyouverymuch! I'm using Bengal flea killer to treat the carpet and, yes, our bed. I'm not sure if I'm getting new bites or the old ones are beginning to itch, but I know I'm waking up in the middle of the night because I'm scratching my arms!! Fleas like crevices, too...that's all I'm sayin'!

All I did was work this between checking out beads on ebay. :) I'm making progress though...on the transcript and my bead collection!!

We're beginning our second week of court. We're upstairs this week, so we get to qualify the jury...what fun. I think I could write that little speech without the first word spoken. Rumor is we're supposed to have a sexual battery trial this week. Hope it's just a rumor. I'd be content to just do guilty pleas this week.

Have a good one, Girls!

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