It's Monday

I didn't muster up the motivation this morning to ride my bike. I did leash up Molson and walked a little. I would have gone further, but a neighborhood dog was making Molson nuts which in turn was jerking me all over the road!! Molson's accustomed to running loose in the mornings, which we don't have a problem with because he eventually comes back. Our only problem is he doesn't come back before I have to leave. The couple of times I have left with him still gone, I was only away until about noon or so, and he wised up and found shelter in the garage. I'm just not too comfortable with leaving him all day long. I guess I could stuff my pockets with treats to hopefully keep him close by without using the leash. Or I could just let him pull my arm off.

Junkmel and I will be starting a three-week court term. I am really excited to be working with her again. I met junkmel 17 years ago when I started my first job. She was already working there. She is a ball of energy and confidence and integrity that I admire. Our judges don't realize yet just how lucky we are to have her working with us, but I do. I am thrilled to be working with my best friend again. The laughs will be a-plenty...and the bead swapping, right?!?!?! :)

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

grizmom - 2005-08-15 14:12:06
I'm SO jealous that you get to have her company! Remind Prettiest Cousin REGULARLY that I'll visit her in Mississippi one day! Hopefully by then I'll be a beader and she will be ever so proud!

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