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I'm tired. BZ's alarm has been going off at 3:45 a.m. EVERY morning this week so he can be at work by five. I'm able to fall back asleep, but it's never a really good sleep. Then my alarm goes off at 6:20 a.m. I'm living for next week...BZ goes back to his regular wake up of 5:45 a.m. and plus I'm not in the courtroom except one day next week. Hooray.

I caught the worst charley horse in my right calf last night while riding my bike. Holy smokes, it hurts!! Everytime I unflexed my foot while riding the bike, it cramped up. It was NOT easy riding the bike back to the house with my right leg permanently stretched out! This morning it still smarts! I was going to eat a banana, but they are just about right for banana nut bread makin', if you know what I mean! I opted for a granola bar and grapefruit juice. Hope there's some potassium in there somewhere.

Have a good one, Girls!

4 comments so far

shear-madnez - 2005-08-04 09:30:08
I used to get those cramps after playing softball tournaments. We'd drink dill pickle juice out of little dixie cups...gross but it worked.
junkmel1 - 2005-08-04 15:01:46
I wonder if the pickle juice works because you forget your leg cramping while you're throwing up....Are you reading Shear-Madnez, BTW? You should. Very entertaining.
grizmom - 2005-08-05 00:38:45
I don't know squat about pickle juice, bit I think I'd pass. I agree that the taste of it could make you barf, thus, you would forget about the pain!
cindy - 2005-08-06 09:49:24
Thanks for the tip, shear, but I (luckily) didn't have any dill pickles. A co-worker did say to try a teaspoon of vinegar..didn't help and my breath smelled like Easter eggs! I recommend tonic water for the quinine. That seemed to help, but it's still mighty sore!

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