
shear-madnez - 2005-08-04 09:30:08
I used to get those cramps after playing softball tournaments. We'd drink dill pickle juice out of little dixie cups...gross but it worked.
junkmel1 - 2005-08-04 15:01:46
I wonder if the pickle juice works because you forget your leg cramping while you're throwing up....Are you reading Shear-Madnez, BTW? You should. Very entertaining.
grizmom - 2005-08-05 00:38:45
I don't know squat about pickle juice, bit I think I'd pass. I agree that the taste of it could make you barf, thus, you would forget about the pain!
cindy - 2005-08-06 09:49:24
Thanks for the tip, shear, but I (luckily) didn't have any dill pickles. A co-worker did say to try a teaspoon of vinegar..didn't help and my breath smelled like Easter eggs! I recommend tonic water for the quinine. That seemed to help, but it's still mighty sore!

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