Birthday Update


BZ just got back from buying my bicycle...I LOVE IT!! Thank goodness he didn't listen to me when I said, no, just forget it. :) I was a little shaky in it at first, but it is some kind of neat!! The seat is basically a chair, big enough for my wide ass and can even lean back and enjoy the ride. BZ has gone back to get himself a bike, not a recumbent one though...wish he would, but he's a man and middle aged at that! It looks like a chopper bike is so cool!!! I will need some mirrors to see behind me and a stick to beat the hell out of Molson when he runs out in front of me...okay, and probably lots of bandaids!! But it's great!!

My birthday just got a whole lot better. :)

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

Grizmom - 2005-07-31 18:35:03
Happy Birthday! Be safe!

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