My Saturday

We are beginning to see the effects of Arlene here...overcast and breezy. Right now, I don't mind either one, especially the breeze!! Life is so much better when the air is moving.

BZ has gone to Lowe's so he can finish up his little project that almost cost him a finger! He's putting a ramp onto the storage building so he can drive the lawn tractor and other items into it. I commented that I thought it needed some bracing underneath because when he stood on it (all 180 lbs. of him) and bounced, it gave a little more than I thought it should. He then had ME get on it. I moved, but I didn't bounce like he did. But still, it convinced him it needed some support. Wonder why?!?!!!

I've completed phase one of the appeal. Proofreading is next and I HATE that part!! Where's Rowzee when you need her?? This is the plan in my head though...I'll do the proofreading tomorrow so I can bead today. Doesn't that sound fantastic?? Glad you agree!

I'm raising the bar, Girls...we're going to update more than ever before, ain't that right?!?!! Y'all wanted me here, and now you got careful what you ask for!!

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