Housework works

I'm down what I was up and then some. It's just .8, but I'll take it! That makes 46 total. I managed to eat normal portions yesterday and stay out of the bad stuff. Keeping busy around here helped that.

I did a bunch of cooking this weekend for the week. I am in love with butternut squash. That is some good eatin'. I slice it down the middle, scoop out the seeds and pulp, lay it cut side down in a pan with a little water and roast it for about 45 minutes at 375. Let it cool slightly and scoop out the inside, add some butter and there you have it. It's a lot like sweet potato but a creamier texture and milder flavor I think. I highly recommend it.

I also cooked smashed cauliflower, turkey meatballs w/ mushroom gravy, white bean chili w/ turkey, pork tenderloin, and mac and cheese. The mac and cheese is not SB friendly unfortunately. BZ wanted that after he spent the majority of the day in the yard raking. I guess I did that dish right since he ate two bowls of it. Makes my southern cooking heart swell when he goes back for seconds. :)

Have a good one, Girls!

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