Lost days

I've accomplished nothing in this week that BZ has been gone. The dirty laundry is still in the floor. Dirty dishes are piling up on the counter because I'm not unloading the clean ones. I am now out of the big spoons to fix my coffee and eat my cereal with. There's been no sweatin' going on around here either. My motivation is way in the negatives here. And I hate it.

I guess I need to give the fly lady another chance (I think that's what she's called). I have the bad attitude of why do I have to do it? I'm losing pride in a lot of aspects of my life and I don't like that...proud of a clean house, proud of an error-free transcript, proud of a slimmer body. What pleasures do I have in my life? Right now, honestly, I don't have an answer for that question.

* * * * * * *

I have noticed something this week. When I walk the halls at the courthouse, I don't tend to limp or lean forward or hurt for that matter. Let me walk in my front door at home and the aches and twinges begin. I seem to walk more on my toes at home. But anywhere else I'm using my whole foot - heel to toe - like I'm supposed to. Is it because I have more ground to cover at the courthouse? Are my strides more purposeful at work than at home? A study in progress.

I'm off to check out motivation sites. Something has got to click in this big ol' hard head of mine!!!

Have a good one, Girls!

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