I have no description

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! I think I may have confused some of y'all though. I started raggin' BZ on Friday about forgetting my birthday, but it was actually on Monday. So, y'all's wishes weren't belated at all. :)

Junkmel treated me to lunch yesteday at a Mexican place. It was mighty fine, too!! So fine in fact, that I made BZ take me there for dinner yesterday!! Illegal or not, I'm damn glad they made it to our little triangle!

Today is haircut and color day. Lucky for me the two weeks I was in court, my hair behaved. I swear to goodness though, the next week it felt like it had grown two inches!! I wouldn't mind it so much if it was cooler down here, but there's just too much on the head to be comfortable.

All my hard work on the guilty pleas which ended up being close to 25 of them? I easily disposed of that income by shopping for beads! I feel the fever coming back on me. It's a good thing and a bad thing...good in the sense that I'll have some stuff for people to buy; bad in the sense that no matter how much I order, I'll never have the right beads or enough of any of it!! It's an insane bankruptcy-bound hobby and my God I love it!!!! :)

Have a good one, Girls!!

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