Time for the basics in every aspect

I have yet to start on the diet...officially and wholeheartedly. I did step on my new fandango scales this morning, and I'm down about six pounds from the day they arrived. Don't ask me how. I do have the sinus crud and have been popping the legal dose of meth. BZ was home yesterday getting ready for a presentation he has to make on Friday. Knowing he's in the house tends to make me more aware of what I'm eating. Right now I'm just approaching it like I'm a sensible human that is satisfied with one serving instead of three. I better stock up on my legal meth.

I was able to talk BZ into removing one of the two bookcases in our computer room. Bless his heart, he keeps all his college books displayed and puffs up whenever I point out how he does not use them. We are wall-to-wall furniture in this room. Aren't we, junkmel? I've ordered a cabinet that I hope will hide some of my clutter and help the overcrowding in here. I've got big reorganizing/rearranging plans during this month and a half I'm supposed to be transcribing. :) We'll see.

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

junkmel1 - 2006-01-12 21:04:38
Why yes, you really are wall-to-wall furniture in there. I've never had a room that was wall-to-wall furniture, myself. BTW, I used my new office last night to do that baby transcript, and it was sooo nice. LOVE all the counter top space I have now. But that's a pretty full room now, too.

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