Was yesterday really Tuesday? I didn't notice!

I'm playing dodge the friend from high school who has two small children and keeps talking about getting together when the stepsons are here. She lives here in town, but we rarely see each other. We stay in touch every, oh, I don't know, six months or so or when someone dies from our hometown.

She called the other day to thank me for recommending a bankruptcy lawyer (that's when I hear from her, also...when she's looking for legal help for their business or for a divorce, they swap being flavor of the month). She asked me then if we would be seeing the kids...um, yeah, I think it will be a couple of weeks that BZ flies up to get them as I look out the window, watching the kids play in the yard. I am sooooo going to hell!

I've been around her kids. The first time, and only time, she came to our house, I was the one to tell her kids to stop jumping on our sofa and also do not jump on our bed! Friend never said a word. She also tried to bring a puppy in (pre Molson) and we had just gotten rid of fleas from the previous owner! Needless to say, her kids are just a little wilder than I want the stepsons to be exposed to at this age.

Plus, for my own sanity, I couldn't handle a conversation with her bitching and moaning about her life. She was an x-ray tech but quit to have kids and never went back to it. She then decided at 40 that she had worked enough and was going to draw social security disability. She was born without a left hand, but that never stopped from doing anything! ...softball, playing french horn in the band, you name it, she did it. Yes, I've got a problem with that, but that's a whole different rant.

So, long story even longer, since I'm dodging her, the kids and I drove over to neighboring town to play at their McD's. We also rode out to make sure junkmel's house was still standing. It is.

On our way back home, Mom called to tell me that nephew was on his way home. He lives in neighboring town. Shit. All I wanted was to kick back in the recliner and snore for about 30 minutes. Instead I came in and ate about four of the reindeer food clusters while waiting on BZ to get home. He was just as whooped as I was, but we loaded up and back we went to see Nephew. It was so great seeing him. The last time he was home was April, for his first wedding anniversary.

We all went to dinner at the bailiff's favorite place...junkmel knows since it's also her mom's favorite place, too! :) They handed out numbers to the kids because they give a prize if your number's called. We didn't realize it was kids night...call me Lynn. :) S2 won a prize...a book about being a pilot and he loves planes!! Most fitting.

When we got in and after I walked Molson and BZ read to the kids, I was out like a light! BZ said this morning that I even slept through the train that usually sounds like it's pulling into our driveway! No, we don't live on the tracks, but yes, we do live on the right side! :)

My brother's sons are probably going to come over and spend the night. All the boys want to get together to play. And since we have to be at my dad's Thursday, we can deliver brother's sons back. Ages you ask? Eleven, nine, seven and five. Odd, isn't it?

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

junkmel1 - 2005-12-21 19:33:51
Hey! Lighen up on those reindeer foods...I expect a full plate of them when we get there!!!

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