Not-so-lean, mean cleaning machine here

I just cleaned under my keyboard...shit! Lots of hair and lots of crumbs...where those crumbs came from I have NO idea!! :)

I put Tina Turner's Simply the Best in the CD player and "swept" the walls, the ceilings I could reach (we have cathedral ceilings) and the fireplace. Once all that crap settles, I'll go in with the Dyson. In the meantime, I THOUGHT I would rest with a little entertainment from my diaryland friends, but that doesn't seem to be happ'nin'!! Y'all are just going to force me to finish cleaning this place, huh?? :)

BZ and I are trying to justify buying a king bed so we can go further in debt!...but rest in comfort nonetheless. I really, really like the bed we found Saturday and the "sale" ends today. I know...they make 'em everyday. I'm trying to be sensible and an adult, and I ain't likin' it!! :)

Molson, our almost 2-yr.-old yellow lab, SHIT in our bedroom last night while BZ and I were in the den trying to land that plane! As BZ was walking down the hall towards our bedroom, he kept saying, man, what stinks? something stinks! damn, what is that? did Molson shit? Oh, man, Molson shit!! I'm in the kitchen putting away leftovers and leave that to go check out the damage. Oh, shit, did he ever shit!! I do believe Molson had a case of the Mississippi Quick Step, as my daddy calls it. :) We should have known something was up when Molson stayed in the den as we headed to bed. He's usually the first one back there. He knew.

I guess it's about Dyson time here. Please, oh please, let the cleaning mood be another sign that my period is near!!!

Have a good one, Girls!!

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