Beach or Bust!

We're headed to the beach! All is well in Gulf Shores, so we are throwing clothes and food in bags and hittin' the road this afternoon. I really am excited about going, mainly just to get out of town and to hear the beach. I'm not too keen on all the sand and definitely not the salty water, but nothing's more relaxing than the sound of the beach. No, I am not getting one of those sound machines. There's other elements involved, also.

When I was a kid, I can remember being excited about going on family vacations. I also remember my parents usually ended up in a fight the night before we left. I've never asked my mother what those fights were about...maybe it's time.

Yesterday started off fine with me. It started with a lovely thunderstorm and even work, but I was finished by noon and the rain had stopped, too...I was a happy camper! I called home to let BZ know I was done and was going to run by the Walmart in that town. I asked if he and the kids would like to go, that I would come home and get them and go to ours. He said sure. I immediately called back to see if they had eaten lunch. He said no, the kids were still in pajamas and he was doing his ironing. That's right, ironing, he does his own, but don't be all that impressed. There's PLENTY he doesn't do!! That's another entry. Back to my story...I said okay, let's go get some lunch and do the Walmart; I'm leaving this town now. He said fine.

I walk into the house with SS1 in pajamas playing Playstation, SS2 coming out of bedroom with mismatched clothes on, and BZ on the patio doing his ironing. WHAT.THE.FUCK? BZ says that I should have said "get the kids ready and get yourself ready and we'll leave when I get there." I know I didn't say it straight out like that, but I thought my intentions were well covered!! That pissed me off.

We eat lunch at Ruby was okay. There was too much to choose from on the menu I thought...I know, sounds weird. During the middle of our preparing for the beach shopping spree at the Walmart, it started thundering and pouring rain. I looked at BZ and asked him did you bring the iron in? Reply: No, and the ironing board and my clothes are still out there, too. I just walked away. BZ has a good habit of not taking care of things unless they are his. I get the feeling he has no concept that if you take CARE of things, they will last longer!!!! That pissed me off.

We get home and honest to God, he spends close to four HOURS putting the car carrier on top of the truck and fixing the TV/VCR combo that we use in the truck for the kids. Something was off with the tracking. He also ties up the TV in the den by recording new cartoons for the kids, who are in the meantime bouncing off the walls playing and can't watch TV because "brainless" decides to record during the prime hours instead of at night when we're in bed!

BZ is REAL good at getting prepared for trips by doing the most least important thing on the list!!!!!!!!!!! We'll be in the truck probably close to five hours. Granted, the TV will be nice for the kids, but they have other things to occupy their time for that timespan, also!!! But no, must repair TV instead of packing clothes for kids, which I reminded him that morning as I left he could do, or wash clothes, or pack up food and stuff, or pack for himself!! That pissed me off.

I get in the kids' room and pack, and do wash, and fix dinner and feed them. All the while, he's out doing whatever!! I finally get to sit down to watch Big Brother, and the kids are right in front of me wrestlin'. Still no sign of BZ. At one point, I said, okay, that's enough, no more wrestling and I go in the kitchen. I stand there and watch as they go right back to it. Little fuckers!! I walked in there and shocked them both when I popped them on the behind since they were both face down and sent them to their room to put on pajamas. I'm standing in the kitchen cleaning up and BZ walks in after having gone SWIMMING!!!! I scowled. He walked away. These kids have been begging him to go swimming with him and then he goes without them while they're bugging the shit out of me?!?!?!!!! That pissed me off.

The evening ended with me in bed LONG before him. We'll have probably five hours in the truck together. Lucky BZ. :)

Have a good one, Girls!

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