High, low...high, low...high, low....

I think I have avoided a MAJOR catastrophe here...M-A-J-O-R. I have an appeal that's due January 9, 2006. It was a two-day trial, aggravated assault. The entire trial is on disk number 64...the entire trial. The entire disk is no good, bad, corrupt, of no use to me. I can't get anything off of disk 64. Smell my catastrophe yet???

I have eight audiotapes, my back up, that I've checked and all is well. This morning at 4:28 a.m., it hit me that what if the tape I use for bench conferences is no good?? This is what I would describe as a possible "shit creek."

We have the MOST diligent bailiff in this county when it comes to turning off the sound system for bench conferences so the entire courtroom cannot hear. I hate to speak bad of the geriatric, but this 80-year-old asshole either sleeps during a trial or is adjusting the thermostat for the optimum sleeping conditions for his short, fat-fucker, thin-blooded self. Feel the love?

So there was no going back to sleep this morning as I wondered, A., where the hell is that tape?, and, B., I sure as hell hope I hit the record button instead of the play button during those bench conferences. (Um, yeah, there's an urban legend that that's happened.)

I have found the tape and have found the beginning of this particular trial on said tape. MAJOR catastrophe diverted...so far. Now I get to set up the machine and listen to this trial AGAIN as I write it all over again. The self-serving sympathy hasn't kicked in yet since I'm thrilled beyond belief that it's all on back up. But give me time. I see several bitching entries beginning to form on the horizon.

BZ heads out this afternoon for Canada to retrieve the kiddy-poos. He was like a kid himself last night getting ready for their visit. I'm getting excited myself knowing they're coming. They really are good kids...play well together, play well by themselves.

Ex-wife suggested to BZ that when he returns the kids, maybe he and his parents could come over and visit and that way his parents could see the boys. BZ's parents live in the same town, probably not 10 minutes from them. Ex-wife has taken the boys to their house many times since the divorce, and BZ's parents have gone to her house to see the kids. They've even gone to the kids' soccer matches before.

I pointed all this out to BZ when he told me about her suggestion. He agreed that they all have every oppportunity to see the other. I asked him what he thought her motive was. He said he had no idea, that it could possibly be to show off. She and new husband have moved into a new home.

As junkmel said during our counseling session :) she's just trying to assert herself back into their lives. She has commented that when BZ and I are both up there visiting, that she would like for us both to come over and let the kids see that we're fine with each other and all is well. I don't see that the boys seem to notice or care for that matter. I'm beginning to think it's all her.

BZ said he's not going to do that. He feels like his dad will have plenty for him to do/look at/fix while he's there. I'm glad he nixed that little "reunion."

I haven't heard any news about my nephew who's due in from Iraq. He was supposed to land in G'port last night and then on to H'burg for five days of demobilization or better defined as sitting around and wasting five days when I could be home with my family!!! Keep your fingers crossed that he's on American soil today and especially Mississippi soil!

Have a good one, Girls!

1 comments so far

junkmel1 - 2005-12-16 08:45:30
You know, I haven't been recording bench conferences...figured it's pointless with all the hissing/whispering/me bellowing "I can't hear you!", but this gives whole new reason to be sure and record it....you're giving me the heebies here.

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