Damn those pretzels!

Just a quickie while the husband is watching Sherlock Holmes. I have dodged this keyboard as much as I possibly could this past week. I've been working the mouse pretty good at bead sites, but not much else!

This past week in court I've learned that if you drink two bottles of vinegar before a urine test, you won't show up positive on a drug screen. Of course the looney telling this story said he only made it through one bottle before the vomiting started. And the fact that he's back in court should tell you something.

If you sell drugs and get caught for the second and third time, you get enhanced punishment. He got 120 years. He's 53. He was offered 18 to plead but considered that a lifetime sentence. Wonder what he thinks now.

Junkmel and I have one bailiff that is driving us insane. One of the assistant DAs knows this and is luring him into our hangout any chance he gets and then leaves. He's on our shit list. :)

The seminar was fun, the jewelry selling part and seeing old friends. The sessions sucked major wind! We came out of one to check on my mom and her friend. It seems they had gotten hungry during that hour and found the bag of pretzels I had packed. Mom's friend took one bite and yelped. She had broken off her front tooth! She wears dentures, but still!! She turns and grins at my mom who burst out laughing and said friend then wets herself she laughing so hard. They settle down and find a bottle of glue I used for jewelry and friend was able to glue her tooth back in. :) She could feel it slipping while she was telling us this story so they left to get some stronger glue. Did I mention I call them Lucy and Ethel??

Have a good one, Girls!

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